Please join Maija Salins, LMT, CST-D for Introduction to CranioSacral Therapy, a 2-day class suitable for health care professionals and interested lay people alike. In this class, we will:
- Explore the anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system and its relationship to illness, pain and dysfunction.
- Develop and refine light-touch palpation skills.
- Learn and practice palpating the "listening stations," key body locations where the craniosacral motion can best be evaluated.
- Learn and practice tissue release techniques for the pelvic and respiratory diaphragms and thoracic inlet.
- Learn about and practice mobilizing the sacrum; the dural tube rock and dural tube glide; V- spread; stillpoint.
This class is excellent preparation for those who plan to take CranioSacral Therapy 1 in the Upledger Institute's CST curriculum, and these students will receive a $125 credit toward their CranioSacral Therapy 1 tuition.
The class is also chock full of information and practical, hands-on techniques for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of CST and use it to help friends and family members on a day to day basis.
12 CEUs are available from the Upledger Institute for massage therapists on completion of the class.
Tuition is $300, but by registering at least 30 days in advance, you will pay only $250. Please register today by contacting Maija at 678-561-0729 or You may also register online by making a payment in my online store.